[Conference] CLEO-PR: Precise Tuning of Epsilon-Near-Zero Properties in Indium Tin Oxide Nanolayer by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide


  1. CLEOPR2020.png
    Precise tuning of epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanolayer by supercritical carbon dioxide
    Jiaye Wu , Haishi Fu, Yingkai Zheng, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020), Sep 2020
  2. SR.png
    Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid
    Jiaye WuXuanyi Liu , Haishi Fu, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Dec 2021

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