[Conference] ICAIT: High-Order Harmonic Generations in Epsilon-Near-Zero Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanopyramid Array


  1. ICAIT2020.png
    High-order harmonic generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanopyramid array
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    2020 12th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), Nov 2020
  2. RinP.jpg
    Numerical investigations on the cascaded high harmonic and quasi-supercontinuum generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanolayers
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieH.Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Results in Physics, May 2021

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