[Archive] Run Linux Desktop on Android Tablets

This project is hosted at https://github.com/TerenceWSK/Android-Termux-Subsystem-for-Linux/.


This repository is the personal collection of configurations for running Linux on Android without root. Transform your Android tablet into a (more portable) ARM64 Linux laptop!

This tutorial provides solutions for:

  • Native Android-Termux-based Linux Desktop environment
  • Termux-based PRoot Linux Distros (in this article, we select Ubuntu as an example)

The native solution is faster but PRoot has much more Linux apps support.

References & Credits

Many tutorials exist on how to run Linux on Android. However, depending on the version of Android you are using and the version of Linux you installed (and also it depends on the time you decide to try – some services might have changed), your mileage may vary. I followed the listed tutorials and adapted them to my needs. I wrote this tutorial as my personal note & script-bakcups as well as a reference for future readers.

Testing Environment

  • Time of test: September 2024.
  • Device: Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro 12.4 (24018RPACC)
  • Resolution: 3048x2032
  • SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8gen2 @ 3.19GHz
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • ROM: 1 TB
  • Android Version: 14 (Patch 2024-09-01)
  • Android Kernel: 5.15.123-android13-8-00008-g2ca6a2912c7e-ab11087001
  • HyperOS Version:

1. Prerequisite (for both native and PRoot)

1.1 Android apps

1.1.1 Install Termux apps

DO NOT download from Google Play Store since the versions are outdated.

  • Termux
  • Termux:X11 to display your desktop environment
  • Termux:Widget is used for quickly launching the Termux and PRoot desktop enviroment
  • Termux:Styling (optional, if you want to adjust the look of your Termux command-line interface)

1.1.2 In Termux app using command:

Give permission for storage:


Check for updates:

pkg update
pkg upgrade

Install X11 repos for displaying:

pkg install x11-repo
pkg install termux-x11-nightly
pkg install pulseaudio

To fix any repository issues:


Useful tools:

pkg install wget
pkg install git

1.1.3 Settings for Termux:X11 app:

If there is no preference button, take a look at your notification list in Android. Change the preference default settings:

  • Display resolution mode: scaled
  • Fullscreen on device display: on
  • Force landscape orientation: on
  • Hide display cutout: on
  • Touchscreen input mode: trackpad
  • Capture external mouse when possible: on
  • Show additional keyboard: off

Connecting to a (wireless) keyboard and mouse is recommended.

1.2 Disable Android phantom process killer

1.2.1 What is phantom process killer?

In a word, the phantom process killer is a mechanism introduced recently (Android version >= 12) in Android Open Source Project (AOSP) that is present on almost all smart devices running Android-based OS (stock Android, HyperOS/MIUI, OriginOS, ColorOS, MagicOS, HarmonyOS (before NEXT), One UI, myUI, Flyme, etc.) It limits the number of children processes (phantom process running in the background) of apps and kills them without prompt. The default number of total phantom processes allowed is 32, which is not enough for running an OS on top of Android.

More about this mechanism: Documentation on Android phantom process killer. This section is based on this article under the MIT licence.

An note for HarmonyOS (1.x–4.x) users: HarmonyOS does not display Android versions. To check the Android version your system is based on, you can use third-party tools to detect the API level. Note that the developer options available are also a little different from standard Android.

ONLY for Android version >= 14

Enable toggle once at Android Settings -> System -> Developer options -> Disable child process restrictions to disable killing of extra phantom processes > 32 and processes using excessive cpu. You will need to enable Developer options first on your device for it to show in System settings page, and it can usually be done by tapping Android Settings -> About -> Build number field 7 times.

If you disable Developer options again, then Disable child process restrictions toggle will be disabled again automatically and killing of phantom processes will be enabled again.

For Android 12L & 13+

The wireless adb debugging is also in Developer options. Assuming there is no root access, the commands should be re-enabled on each reboot.

On some devices, such as the one I am testing with, the method using adb wireless debugging do not work due to unknown reason.

Android 13:

adb shell "settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false"
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config get_sync_disabled_for_tests"

Android 12:

adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config is_sync_disabled_for_tests"

2. Native Termux Linux Desktop Environment

2.1 Install xfce4 desktop environment

pkg install xfce4

2.2 Install ported Linux software


pkg install tur-repo


pkg install chromium

Known issue: crash on Google account login. To launch it, later in graphical interface: add --no-sandbox after launch command.

Code-oss: (open source project of Visual Studio Code)

pkg install code-oss

Known issue: cannot sync with Microsoft.

2.3 Add script for launching desktop environment

Download the script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/startxfce4_termux.sh

OR, here is a backup if the original script no longer accessible:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TerenceWSK/Android-Termux-Subsystem-for-Linux/main/scripts/startxfce4_termux.sh

Copy the scrupt to ./.shortcuts/ to be accessible with Termux:Widget

cp ./startxfce4_termux.sh ./shortcuts/

Give excution permissions:

chmod +x ./.shortcuts/startxfce4_termux.sh

2.4 Launch the Termux Native desktop environment from Termux:Widget

  • Long click/hold on the blank places on any Android home screen (launcher)
  • Add a Android Widget “Termux:Widget”
  • You should find the startxfce4_termux.sh
  • Click on it and you should be able to lanch Termux:X11.
  • Otherwise, in Termux terminal, use sh ./startxfce4_termux.sh

2.5 File sharing with Android

In Termux native desktop, you can access your user files and folders of Android host machine mounted at ~/Desktop/shared/ or /data/data/com.termux/files/home/Desktop/shared. You can make a link on desktop or pin it to the sidebar of the file manager.

3. Termux-based PRoot Linux Distros (Ubuntu)

The Ubuntu system installation part is mostly based on Ivon’s blog, the software installation part is my collection and adaptation from various sources to make things work.

3.1 Ubuntu setup


pkg install proot-distro
proot-distro install ubuntu

Login to Ubuntu:

proot-distro login ubuntu --user root --shared-tmp

Install tools:

apt update
apt install sudo vim software-properties-common

Due to no systemd on Android, disable Ubuntu snap:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
# To prevent repository packages from triggering the installation of Snap,
# this file forbids snapd from being installed by APT.
# For more information: https://linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/snap.html
Package: snapd
Pin: release a=*
Pin-Priority: -10

Install Firefox or you will not have a browser to download software:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr

Create a password for root:


Create groups:

groupadd storage
groupadd wheel
groupadd video

Create a regular user other than root:

useradd -m -g users -G wheel,audio,video,storage -s /bin/bash user
passwd user

Add user to sudo group:


Press the “I” key for insertion of:


Touch “ESC” on the bottom of the screen and type:


to exit.

Switch to regular user:

su user

Install xfce desktop environment:

sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

For KDE and GNOME you can refer to Ivon’s blog or the Tutorials by LinuxDroidMaster

Disable Ubuntu lockscreen. When Android is locked and unlocked, Ubuntu displays a lockscreen with no correct password to login. This might be due to compatibility isuues with PRoot:

xset s off
xset -dpms

3.2 (Optional) Support for the Chinese language (可选)添加中文支持


sudo apt install locales fonts-noto-cjk


vim /etc/locale.gen

将其中zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8前的#号移除 使用:wq!退出vim


echo "LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf


sudo apt purge ibus


apt install fcitx fcitx-pinyin

在3.3节成功进入xfce4图形界面后,在应用菜单>语言支持(Language Support)和fcitx设置中,添加English(US)作为键盘布局,以及选择Google Pinyin作为输入法,重启终端。

3.3 Add script for launching desktop environment

Download the script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TerenceWSK/Android-Termux-Subsystem-for-Linux/main/scripts/startproot_ubuntu.sh

Copy the scrupt to ./.shortcuts/ to be accessible with Termux:Widget

cp ./startproot_ubuntu.sh ./shortcuts/

Give excution permissions:

chmod +x ./.shortcuts/startproot_ubuntu.sh

3.4 Launch the Ubuntu desktop environment from Termux:Widget

  • Long click/hold on the blank places on any Android home screen (launcher)
  • Add a Android Widget “Termux:Widget”
  • You should find the startproot_ubuntu.sh
  • Click on it and you should be able to lanch Termux:X11.
  • Otherwise, in Termux terminal, use sh ./startproot_ubuntu.sh

3.5 File sharing with Android

In Termux native desktop, you can access your user files and folders of Android host machine mounted at /storage/emulated/0. You can make a link on desktop or pin it to the sidebar of the file manager.

3.6 Ubuntu softwares

Tested to work directly:

  • GIMP (pre-installed)
  • Octave (sudo apt install octave)
  • TeX Live (sudo apt install texlive)

Does not work:

  • WPS office (crash on launch)
  • blender (crash on launch)

Visual Studio Code

  • Go to VS Code download page and select Linux Arm64.
  • In Downloads folder: sudo dpkg -i code*.deb
  • In the properties of the VS Code launch icon: add --no-sandbox


On September 2024, the method introduced in the tutorial video [“How to install Chromium in Ubuntu Termux” by Technical Bot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA03NwenOck) can no longer work smoothly, mainly due to gpg key management issue due to the current server conditions and the updated software.

Check if gpg is installed:

sudo apt install gnupg

Add the debian source that has Chromium:

echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update

Then a gpg key error will occur. The original method:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 648ACFD622F3D138

will NOT work.

One solution is to exit the graphical enviroment, kill, and re-open Termux:

proot-distro login ubuntu

Try the following solutions:

Solution 1:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553

Solution 2:

gpg2 --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443 --recv-keys 648ACFD622F3D138

Solution 3:

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 54404762BBB6E853 BDE6D2B9216EC7A8 648ACFD622F3D138 0E98404D386FA1D9 F8D2585B8783D481 0E98404D386FA1D9 6ED0E7B82643E131


gpg --armor --export DC30D7C23CBBABEE | sudo apt-key add -


sudo apt update
sudo apt install chromium

In the properties of the VS Code launch icon: add --no-sandbox

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