near-zero-index nonlinear nanophotonics

exploring the exotic physical and optical phenomena

Photonic media with near-zero refractive index exhibits various extraordinary linear and nonlinear properties (Wu et al., 2021). Our studies can be sorted into four categories, namely,

  1. fabrication: fabrication methods, protocols, and for special needs (e.g., (Huang et al., 2023; Wu et al., 2021)).
  2. integration: prerequisite studies, design references, and hybrid integration (e.g., (Wu* et al., 2024; Sha et al., 2022)).
  3. new phenomena: new linear and nonlinear phenomena that has great potential (e.g., (Wu* et al., 2024; Wu† et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2021)).
  4. applications: nano- and integrated devices: useful for photonic computing, telecommunications, optical signal processing, etc (e.g., (Xie et al., 2020; Sha et al., 2022; Xie et al., 2022; Sha et al., 2021)).
Near-zero-index photonic media: fabrication, prerequisite studies, new phenomena, and applications.

We also aim to develop and introduce new techniques (Wu et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021; Huang et al., 2022) in a multi- and inter-disciplinary way, and are active on theories and simulations (Wu et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2020).



  1. NC.jpg
    Thermo-optic epsilon-near-zero effects
    Nature Communications, Jan 2024


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    Manufacturing-enabled tunability of linear and nonlinear epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanofilms
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Jul 2023


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    All-optical switching in epsilon-near-zero asymmetric directional coupler
    Yanhua ShaZe Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Oct 2022
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    Observation of SQUID-like behavior in fiber laser with intra-cavity epsilon-near-zero effect
    Laser & Photonics Reviews, Dec 2022
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    Ultrafast dynamic switching of optical response based on nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterial platform
    Ze Tao XieYanhua ShaJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Optics Express, Jun 2022
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    Pulse interactions in periodic and genetic-algorithm-optimized aperiodic epsilon-near-zero multilayers
    Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Jan 2022


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    Epsilon-near-zero photonics: Infinite potentials
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Photonics Research, Aug 2021
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    Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid
    Jiaye WuXuanyi Liu , Haishi Fu, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Dec 2021
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    Numerical investigations on the cascaded high harmonic and quasi-supercontinuum generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanolayers
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieH.Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Results in Physics, May 2021
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    Comparison study of multi-slot designs in epsilon-near-zero waveguide-based electro-optical modulators
    Yanhua ShaJiaye WuZe Tao XieH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Jun 2021
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    Optimization of epsilon-near-zero multilayers for near-perfect light absorption using an enhanced genetic algorithm
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Oct 2021


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    Tunable electro- and all-optical switch based on epsilon-near-zero metasurface
    Ze Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Aug 2020
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    Comparative study on epsilon-near-zero transparent conducting oxides: High-order chromatic dispersions and modeling of ultrashort pulse interactions
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Physical Review A, Nov 2020