courses, lectures, peer reviews, and editorial services.
Photonic Systems & Technology
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2022 & Spring 2024)
4 ECTS Master's level. Course taught by Assoc. Prof. Camille-Sophie Brès
Biomedical Optics
Teaching Assistant (Autumn 2022 & Autumn 2023)
3 ECTS Master's level. Course taught by Dr. Georges Wagnières
Optical Fiber Communications
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2019)
3 Credits Master's level. Course taught by Assoc. Prof. Qian Li
Teaching Assistant (Autumn 2018)
3 Credits Master's level. Course taught by Assoc. Prof. Qian Li
Advanced English
Teaching Assistant (Spring 2015)
2 Credits Bachelor's level. Course taught by Mr. George Mckibbens
peer review
Peer Reviewer
Nature Nanotechnology
Light: Science & Applications
Communications Physics
Optical and Quantum Electronics
Nat. Nanotechnol.
Light Sci. Appl.
Commun. Phys.
Opt. Quantum Electron.
Optica Publishing Group
Peer Reviewer
Optics Letters
Optics Express
Optical Materials Express
Jouranl of the Optical Society of America B
Applied Optics
OSA Continuum (Optics Continuum)
Opt. Lett.
Opt. Express
Opt. Mater. Express
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Appl. Opt.
OSA Contin. (Opt. Contin.)
Peer Reviewer
Laser & Photonics Reviews
Laser Photon. Rev.
American Chemical Society
Peer Reviewer
ACS Photonics
ACS Photonics
Elsevier BV
Peer Reviewer
Optics & Laser Technology
Results in Physics
Surface & Coatings Technology
Thin Solid Films
Optics Communications
Opt. Laser Technol.
Results Phys.
Surf. Coat. Technol.
Thin Solid Films
Opt. Commun.
Institute of Physics
Peer Reviewer
Journal of Physics: Photonics
Journal of Optics
Physica Scripta
J. Phys. Photonics
J. Opt.
Phys. Scr.
American Institute of Physics
Peer Reviewer
Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett.
Chinese Physical Society
Peer Reviewer
Acta Physica Sinica
Acta. Phys. Sin.
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Peer Reviewer