[里程碑] 一项交叉学科研究


We introduce supercritical fluid (SCF) technology to epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) photonics for the first time and experimentally demonstrate the manipulation of the ENZ wavelength for the enhancement of linear and nonlinear optical absorption in ENZ indium tin oxide (ITO) nanolayer. Inspired by the SCF’s applications in repairing defects, reconnecting bonds, introducing dopants, and boosting the performance of microelectronic devices, here, this technique is used to exploit the influence of the electronic properties on optical characteristics. By reducing oxygen vacancies and electron scattering in the SCF oxidation process, the ENZ wavelength is shifted by 23.25 nm, the intrinsic loss is reduced by 20%, and the saturable absorption modulation depth is enhanced by > 30%. The proposed technique offers a time-saving low-temperature technique to optimize the linear and nonlinear absorption performance of plasmonics-based ENZ nanophotonic devices. (Wu et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2020)


J. Wu, et al., “Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid”, Scientific Reports 11(1): 15936, 2021.



  1. SR.png
    Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid
    Jiaye WuXuanyi Liu , Haishi Fu, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Dec 2021
  2. CLEOPR2020.png
    Precise tuning of epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanolayer by supercritical carbon dioxide
    Jiaye Wu , Haishi Fu, Yingkai Zheng, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020), Dec 2020



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