

完整引用统计请参见 谷歌学术档案 ORCiD记录 researchgate个人页面


  1. ACSP-MyCover20250219.jpg
    Intracavity Epsilon-Near-Zero Dual-Range Frequency Switch
    ACS Photonics, Mar 2025
  2. Nanophotonic-enabled extra- and intra-cavity manipulation of ultrafast optical pulse trains
    Jiaye Wu
    Mar 2025


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    Thermo-optic epsilon-near-zero effects
    Nature Communications, Jan 2024
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    Epsilon-near-zero Enhancement of Linear and Nonlinear Thermo-optic Effects
    2024 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Apr 2024
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    Versatile and Efficient Dual-Range Frequency Shifts by Intracavity Epsilon-Near-Zero Nanolayers
    IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Nov 2024


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    Bright and dark talbot pulse trains on a chip
    Communications Physics, Sep 2023
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    Manufacturing-enabled tunability of linear and nonlinear epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanofilms
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Jul 2023


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    Pulse interactions in periodic and genetic-algorithm-optimized aperiodic epsilon-near-zero multilayers
    Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Jan 2022
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    Temporal talbot effect of optical dark pulse trains
    Jiaye WuJianqi Hu*,  and  Camille-Sophie Brès
    Optics Letters, Feb 2022
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    Ultrafast dynamic switching of optical response based on nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterial platform
    Ze Tao XieYanhua ShaJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Optics Express, Jun 2022
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    Demonstration of temporal Talbot effect of dark pulse trains
    Jiaye WuJianqi Hu*,  and  Camille-Sophie Brès
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Jun 2022
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    Design and optimization of epsilon-near-zero multilayer structures with broadband absorption performance
    Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Jun 2022
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    Observation of SQUID-like behavior in fiber laser with intra-cavity epsilon-near-zero effect
    Laser & Photonics Reviews, Dec 2022
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    All-optical switching in epsilon-near-zero asymmetric directional coupler
    Yanhua ShaZe Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Oct 2022


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    Numerical investigations on the cascaded high harmonic and quasi-supercontinuum generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanolayers
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieH.Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Results in Physics, May 2021
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    Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid
    Jiaye WuXuanyi Liu , Haishi Fu, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Scientific Reports, Dec 2021
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    Epsilon-near-zero photonics: Infinite potentials
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Photonics Research, Aug 2021
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    Comparison study of multi-slot designs in epsilon-near-zero waveguide-based electro-optical modulators
    Yanhua ShaJiaye WuZe Tao XieH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Jun 2021
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    Manufacture protocol for the control of epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanolayer at telecommunication wavelength
    Yanhua ShaJiaye Wu , Jie Chen, Shengdong Zhang,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, Jun 2021
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    Modeling methods and pulse interactions in epsilon-near-zero multilayer
    Chenxingyu HuangJiaye WuYuqing WangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, Jun 2021
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    Dynamic epsilon-near-zero wavelength tuning and switching properties of hyperbolic metamaterials
    Ze Tao XieJiaye WuYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2021, Jun 2021
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    Optimization of epsilon-near-zero multilayers for near-perfect light absorption using an enhanced genetic algorithm
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Oct 2021
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    Enhanced-genetic-algorithm-based absorption performance optimization of epsilon-near-zero multilayer
    Yuqing WangJiaye WuChenxingyu HuangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, Oct 2021
  10. 近零介电常数透明导电氧化物的非线性光学研究
    北京大学, Jun 2021
  11. Research on the nonlinear photonics in epsilon-near-zero transparent conducting oxides [in Chinese]
    Jiaye Wu
    Peking University, Jun 2021


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    Broadband radiative cooling and decoration for passively dissipated portable electronic devices by aperiodic photonic multilayers
    Jiaye Wu*,  and  Yuxuan Chen
    Annalen der Physik, May 2020
  2. 基于近零介电常数氧化铟锡的可调双控光开关及使用方法
    李倩,  谢泽韬,  and  吴嘉野
    May 2020
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    An all polarization-maintaining fiber laser mode locked by nonlinear amplifying loop mirror with different biases
    Xuanyi Liu , Guanyu Liu , Renlai Zhou, Dan Yu, Jiaye WuH. Y. Fu , Zhigang Zhang,  and  Qian Li*
    Laser Physics, Aug 2020
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    Tunable electro- and all-optical switch based on epsilon-near-zero metasurface
    Ze Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    IEEE Photonics Journal, Aug 2020
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    Precise tuning of epsilon-near-zero properties in indium tin oxide nanolayer by supercritical carbon dioxide
    Jiaye Wu , Haishi Fu, Yingkai Zheng, Kuan-Chang ChangShengdong ZhangH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020), Aug 2020
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    Extraordinary characteristics of one-dimensional PT-symmetric ring optical waveguide networks with near-isometric and isometric arms
    Haiying Li, Xiangbo Yang*Jiaye Wu,  and  Xuhang Wu
    EPL (Europhysics Letters), Sep 2020
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    Optimization of slot waveguide modulator based on epsilon-near-zero effect
    Yanhua ShaJiaye WuZe Tao Xie,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, Sep 2020
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    Large and complex chromatic dispersion profile in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, Sep 2020
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    Tunable electro-optical metasurface based on an ultra-strong coupling epsilon-near-zero system
    Ze Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, Sep 2020
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    Comparative study on epsilon-near-zero transparent conducting oxides: High-order chromatic dispersions and modeling of ultrashort pulse interactions
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieYanhua ShaH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Physical Review A, Nov 2020
  11. ACP2020.png
    Giant enhancement of third- and fifth-harmonic generations in epsilon-near-zero nanolayer
    Ze Tao XieJiaye WuH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications 2020 (ACP/IPOC), Nov 2020
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    High-order harmonic generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanopyramid array
    Jiaye WuZe Tao XieH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    2020 12th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), Nov 2020


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    Extraordinary transmission and reflection in PT-symmetric two-segment-connected triangular optical waveguide networks with perfect and broken integer waveguide length ratios
    Jia-Ye Wu, Xu-Hang WuXiang-Bo Yang* ,  and  Hai-Ying Li
    Chinese Physics B, Oct 2019
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    Beat-like frequency pattern of extraordinary transmission and reflection in PT-symmetric fibonacci aperiodic optical networks of waveguide rings
    Jiaye Wu*
    Physics Letters A, Oct 2019
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    Highly efficient self-similar spectral compression of hyperbolic secant pulses enhanced by pre-chirping in nonlinear fibres
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Qian Li*
    Journal of Optics, Aug 2019
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    Theoretical design of a pump-free ultrahigh efficiency all-optical switching based on a defect ring optical waveguide network
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Xiangbo Yang*
    Annalen der Physik, Feb 2019
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    Efficient self-similar spectral compression of chirped soliton pulses in nonlinear fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, Feb 2019
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    Propagation of ultrashort pulses in indium tin oxide epsilon-near-zero subwavelength metamaterial at 2 μm
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Qian Li*
    Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, Feb 2019
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    Ultrashort pulses in indium tin oxide thin film at its epsilon-near-zero wavelength
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Qian Li*
    Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Feb 2019
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    Self-interaction of ultrashort pulses in an epsilon-near-zero nonlinear material at the telecom wavelength
    Jiaye WuBoris A. MalomedH. Y. Fu,  and  Qian Li*
    Optics Express, Dec 2019


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    Extraordinary characteristics for one-dimensional parity-time-symmetric periodic ring optical waveguide networks
    Yan Zhi, Xiangbo Yang*Jiaye Wu, Shiping Du, Peichao Cao, Dongmei Deng ,  and  Chengyi Timon Liu
    Photonics Research, Jun 2018
  2. Research on the extraordinary transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave propagation in one-dimensional parity-time symmetric thue-morse waveguide networks [in Chinese]
    Jiaye Wu
    Jun 2018
  3. 电磁波在一维宇称-时间对称Thue-Morse 波导网络中的奇异传输特性研究
    Jun 2018


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    Ultrastrong extraordinary transmission and reflection in PT-symmetric thue-morse optical waveguide networks
    Jiaye Wu,  and  Xiangbo Yang*
    Optics Express, Oct 2017
  2. CPB2017.jpg
    Diurnal cooling for continuous thermal sources under direct subtropical sunlight produced by quasi-cantor structure
    Jia-Ye Wu, Yuan-Zhi Gong , Pei-Ran Huang, Gen-Jun Ma,  and  Qiao-Feng Dai*
    Chinese Physics B, Sep 2017


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    吴嘉野,  刘晓纯,  黄倩莹,  and  张倩苇
    卷宗, Sep 2015